Course curriculum

  • 1

    New Chapter

  • 2

    Your Souls Book

    • 2 - Your Souls Book

    • 2 - Soul Contracts - Your Souls Book

  • 3

    Soul Contract Location in Your Book

    • 3 - Soul Contracts - Soul Contract Location in Your Book

    • 3 - Soul Contract - Location in Your Book

    • 3 - Soul

  • 4

    Information in Your Contract

    • 4 - Soul Contracts - Information in Your Contract

    • 4 - Soul Contracts - Information in Your Contract

    • 4a - Soul Contracts - Body

    • 4b - Soul Contracts - Name

    • 4c - Soul Contracts - Birth Parents

    • 4d - Soul Contracts - Country of Birth

    • 4e - Soul Contracts - Date of Birth

    • 4f - Soul Contracts - Personality

    • 4g - Soul Contracts - Mission

    • 4h - Soul Contracts - Karma

    • 4i - Soul Contracts - Struggles

    • 4j - Soul Contracts - Dreams, Desires, Passions

    • 4k - Soul Contracts - Life Partners

    • 4l - Soul Contracts - Family Members

    • 4m - Soul Contracts - Acquaintances

    • 4n - Soul Contracts - Clauses

  • 5

    Free Will

    • 5 - Soul Contracts - Free Will

    • 5 - Soul Contracts - Free Will

  • 6

    Beings Who Participate in the Creation of the Souls Contract

    • 6 - Soul Contracts - Beings Who Participate in the Creation of the Souls Contract

    • 6 - Soul Contracts-Beings who participate in the creation of the souls contract

    • 6a - Soul Contracts - Your Soul

    • 6b - Soul Contracts - Your Masters

    • 6c - Soul Contracts - Your Guides

    • 6d - Soul Contracts - Specialized Masters

  • 7

    Outro and Final Message

    • 7 - Outro and Final Message

    • 7 - Soul Contracts- Outro and Final Message

Soul Contract in The Akashic Records

Everything you need to know about Soul Contracts, how they are created and how we live them out in this incarnation

This course was created by Lorena & Lucia to help you understand your Soul's contract and how it all works. This course was created using the information we have learned as Akashic Record readers with the assistance of our Masters and Guides. Channelling information directly from them through the Akashic Records. We hope this course brings you understanding and helps you feel more connected to your higher-self and the Akashic Records.

Fully understanding how the Soul Contract is created, planned and how it plays out will allow you to become a better Akashic Records reader.

In this course you will discover all the amazing details that go into creating Souls Contracts. We go into great detail about the complete process of the contract creation, from choosing elements of the upcoming incarnation to picking your life partners or Soul mates. You will also learn what Beings of Light assist in this process of the Contract creation. The amount of information on your contract is limitless and contains every aspect of the upcoming incarnation.

Just like a legal document, your Soul contract is an agreement to certain terms, conditions and possible resolutions in this lifetime.

"Knowledge is power, and understanding your spiritual life will help you understand your human life." (Masters and Guides)

Every life incarnation has its own Soul contract, personal and specific to that lifetime and to that incarnation. Your current life contract is unique just like your personality and your thoughts. In this course we will go into specific details on each aspect of the contract, why they are chosen and why it's important.

The soul contract is important, it is what determines what you are here to do, why your soul chose to come and why you have certain struggles.

We invite you to learn more about your Soul and its contract in this lifetime. The Masters, Guides and Being of Light have channeled this information to remind you of how connected you are to your Soul and your contract.

What you will learn in this course

  • What Soul contracts are and what things are in the Soul contract

  • How the Soul contract is created and who is involved in the creation of the Soul contract

  • Why the Soul contract is created

  • What happens to the Soul contract after a lifetime

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